воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

данные из textfield водятся в другой

@import "../plugins/resources/css/SpellCheck.css";

Note that the location of SpellCheck.css may be changed according to the actual environment.

Then in your HTML code, first load the CSS.

Rename dojox/editor/tests/PorterStemmer.php.disabled to dojox/editor/tests/PorterStemmer.

Rename dojox/editor/tests/spellCheck.php.disabled to dojox/editor/tests/spellCheck.php. The php file is used to check a list of given words and return a list with suggested words.

First, configure the server-side php file.

Interactive spell check which provides the same features through a context menu on unrecognized words as they are typed.

replace all instances of the word with a stored spelling.

replace the word with a stored spelling

add the word to the dictionary

skip all instances of the unrecognized word

choose an alternative spelling

Batch spell check that allows the user to step through the content at any time, identifying unrecognized words, allowing the user to

Once required in and enabled, this plugin provides the following features to dijit.Editor

Have you ever wanted to make sure that your edited content was spelled correctly? You could always have a dictionary available but, otherwise, this plug-in is for you.

Project owner:Jared Jurkiewicz

dojox.editor.plugins.SpellCheck (Under Construction)

WARNING: This is WORK IN PROGRESS documentation for the NEXT version of Dojo.

view /dojox/editor/plugins/SpellCheck

dojox.editor.plugins.SpellCheck (Under Construction)

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